Jetty Websocket With Spring Boot [New 2022]

In my old blog post, Jetty Websocket was getting created outside of Spring Context, and there was much more glue code to integrate it with Spring Boot. This blog post will provide you with a much cleaner approach to using Jetty WebSocket in Spring Boot. About this App I am going to build a websocket through which server will send random names to all it’s subscribers. At any given time all the subscribers will get same name....

May 20, 2022 · Dinesh Sawant

Jetty WebSocket with Spring Boot

👋 Update: There is a much cleaner way to use Jetty WebSocket with Spring Boot now. If you are working with latest Spring Boot and Jetty version follow this blog post. This post describes how to use Jetty WebSocket with Spring Boot. About this App I am going to build a websocket through which server will send random names to all it’s subscribers. At any given time all the subscribers will get same name....

November 26, 2017 · Dinesh Sawant